Product Update: Resale Market upgraded

Property Partner now has a fully regulated secondary market under new MiFID II rules.

On 3 January 2018 new European legislation MiFID II required investment firms operating the buying and selling of financial instruments to reach more stringent levels of compliance.

To ensure our marketplace, the Resale Market, continued to operate under this new legislation we proactively undertook a significant upgrade to our marketplace to that of a multilateral trading facility (MTF). Our MTF was successfully signed off by the FCA in December 2017, and we believe we’re one of very few fintech platforms with a secondary market to achieve this upgrade. We’re also on track to ensure our business is GDPR compliant (consumer data regulation) ahead of the May 2018 deadline.

Whilst we believe investing in property should be viewed as a long-term investment decision, our platform exists to be better than the traditional direct investment opportunities. A major part of that is the liquidity we can offer versus selling a property on the open market.

To date, our Resale Market has returned nearly £20m to investors

£19.8M £4.8M 32%
Capital returned to investors 1 Matched by bids 2 of portfolio traded on Resale Market 3

The figures above are correct up to January 31st, 2018. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

1. ‘Capital returned to investors’ denotes the total value of shares sold on the Resale Market.
2. ‘Matched by bids’ refers to the total value of shares sold, resulting from bid orders being matched.
3. ‘Portfolio traded on Resale Market’ is the total value of shares sold on the Resale Market as a percentage of the total value of New Listing investment.

How does the Resale market work?
Investors can realise a capital return by selling shares on the Resale Market at any time, by placing an offer to sell at their chosen price or matching an existing bid order. Alternatively, investors can exit at market value five years after a property’s launch on platform. Investors looking to purchase shares on the Resale Market can match a sell offer or place bids at their chosen price. Exit via the Resale Market is subject to price and demand.

Watch a video on how to sell your shares here:

If you have any questions, you can speak to a member of the team on +44 (0)20 3696 5600 or email us at


Important notice: Capital at risk. The value of your investment can go down as well as up. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects the cash held in your Property Partner account, however the investments that you make through Property Partner are not protected by the FSCS in the event that you do not receive back the amount that you have invested. Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Gross rent, dividends and capital growth may be lower than estimated. 5 yearly exit protection or exit on platform subject to price & demand. Property Partner does not provide tax or investment advice and any general information is provided to help you make your own informed decisions. Customers are advised to obtain appropriate tax or investment advice where necessary. Before investing please read Key Risks. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
Financial promotion by London House Exchange Limited (8820870); authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 613499).