In October 2018, we asked our investors about how they planned to invest over the next six months. The timing was intentional. At that point the UK was scheduled to leave the EU in six months time (29 March 2019), and we thought it would be good to know where our investors stood.
Fast forward six months and…we are still in the EU, for better or worse, we don’t take sides (at least not professionally!). We asked our investors the same question and below are the results.

81% of Property Partner investors who responded are planning to maintain or increase the amount they invest in the next six months. This has increased from 74% when asked the same question in October last year. The number planning to decrease the amount they invest in the next six months has almost halved to 6%.
Brexit and uncertainty in the UK property market continues to be cited as a major reason amongst investors unsure how they will invest and those planning to decrease their investment in the next six months.
But despite Brexit, it is worth noting that normal life carries on and that of the 19% of investors who are unsure or looking to decrease their investment levels, personal circumstances were the most mentioned reason. 39% cited such personal reasons ranging from having new babies, moving home, increased cost of living or simply wanting to use their cash for something other than investing.
The data shown was collected over two surveys, the first conducted in October 2018, with 450 responses. The second was conducted in April 2019 with 481 responses.
The UK property market
Want to know what’s really happening in the UK property market? Tap below to read why we think it’s a lot more stable than you might think.
Since launch, over 13,000 people have invested in property through Property Partner. The platform now manages over 1,000 tenanted units valued at over £135m.
Capital at risk. The value of your investment can go down as well as up. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) protects the cash held in your Property Partner account, however, the investments that you make through Property Partner are not protected by the FSCS in the event that you do not receive back the amount that you have invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Forecasts, if stated, are not a reliable indicator of future performance. Interest and capital returned may be lower than expected. Gross rent, dividends, and capital growth may be lower than estimated. 5 yearly exit protection, exit on platform, exit in line with a specific investment case or fund strategy, subject to price and demand. Property Partner does not provide tax or investment advice and any general information is provided to help you make your own informed decisions. Customers are advised to obtain appropriate tax or investment advice where necessary. Financial promotion by London House Exchange Limited (No. 8820870); authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (No. 613499). See Key Risks for further information.